deZem system as the information base for specialised contractors
A contracting provider uses the deZem system for the technical supervision and energy management of 300 logistics centres as well as for other successful contracting projects. Within the scope of a contract covering several decades, deZem acts "in the background" as a full service provider for data acquisition and processing, i.e. for installation, system setup and full maintenance of the software and hardware. The system was fully rolled out in 2013 within a few months, well below the promised time, and has been running without problems in close cooperation with the contractor ever since.
Project goals
- Continuous real-time monitoring of central heating systems and power supply
- Complete turnkey IT solution
- Visualisation and analysis tools as a basis for optimisation measures
- Benchmarking of locations among each other
- Proof of continuous efficiency gains
- Alarm in case of malfunctions
- Dynamic further development of the system with additional locations, meter exchange, etc.
- Clear division of tasks: deZem supplies IT tools, Contractor evaluates and optimises
Technical implementation
- Installation and initial operation of field technology in approx. 300 logistics centres throughout Germany
- Completion within 5 months after order date
- Up-to-the-minute data connection of 2000+ metering series incl. remote maintenance via mobile communications
- Recording of all metering series with a time resolution of 1 value/min.
- Field connection via M-Bus, wM-Bus and further data interfaces with one deZem data logger per location
- Special interfaces to billing systems and energy suppliers
- Independent maintenance of system contents by the contractor via comfortable web interfaces
- Automatic weather adjustment, KPI monitoring, benchmarking
Benefits and Achievements
Full transparency at all times regarding the status of the project's energy and economic objectives
Extensive analysis features - from location benchmarking to characteristic curve comparisons
Fulfillment of the contractual obligations of the contractor towards his client
System available continuously and without failures since 2013
Dynamic adjustments - metering points are added, others are switched off
Extension of system resources, ongoing updates (security & functionality) in the background and without interrupting system availability
Software extensions on demand
High customer satisfaction in terms of robustness, stability and performance of deZem hardware and the overall system