Project with NTT
NTT is Europe's largest operator of data centres. Since 2015, the company is using the deZem system for the energy management of its 300 MW colocation-capacity at 20 sites.
Project goals
- Monitoring, measurement and analysis of consumption data and data from electrical control technology
- Evaluation of data to analyse the energetic optimisation of all relevant plants and systems (determining and developing PUE)
- Tailored reporting for management, technicians and customers
- Benchmarking for systems and sites
- Verifying manufacturer information on equipment efficiency
- Basis for ISO 50001 audit
Technical implementation
- Integration of already existing measurements from electrical control technology and calibrated measurements (consumption data)
- Linking of diverse measurements from the central BMS
- Real-time evaluation of PUEs, benchmarking of data centres
- Dashboards (deZemBoard) and reports (deZemReport) specific for indivudual target-groups
- Customized implementation of special reports, conformant with CI
Benefits and Achievements
Company-wide transparency on energy efficency at all sites - for individual facilities, systems and PUEs
Individual reporting of SLAs per suite comprehensive and cost-efficient
Effective supervision of manufacturer information under actual conditions involving the procurement department
Findings are immediately used in the development of new data centres