Project support und customising
To tie up all lose ends
deZem supports you in setting up a suitable system for your specific situation and objectives. The deZem hotline is always included. We also offer:
- Advice on system design
- On-site support for the use of system tools
- Data import, import interfaces, converting formats
- Integration tests of hardware components
- Export interfaces, regular data exports for accounting or other third-party systems
- Mass setup of new measurements
- Conception of dashboards, virtual counters, metadata systematics
- Participation in strategic planning
- Trainings on site, at the deZem office and online
Integration of existing systems
Ideal solutions for the specific situation
Automation systems and components such as GLTs, PLCs, DDCs, SCADA and MES already collect a lot of data relevant for energy management. The same applies to production data, building data, etc. from other management systems such as ERP, CAFM, and others. For the integration of all these data on one platform, deZem offers uni- or bidirectional interfaces, e.g. for
- OSIsoft PI
- ABB Freelance
- ShowIT
- Janitza GridVis
- Node-Red
- pit FM
- many billing systems
Data loggers from other suppliers can also be connected to the deZem system, e.g. Tixi Boxes, Wago Controllers, Elvaco CMe series and Beckhoff PLCs. The data is sent directly to the central deZem platform or read from the deZem Edge Computer on site.
Metering Concepts
Plan for construction and use of metering
What is the aim of your metering? Determination of savings potentials, monitoring and benchmarking of plants, billing according to cost centers - if necessary with special requirements and high complexity, fulfillment of ISO 50001 requirements together with 50006 and 50015?
How should the metered values be used and who are the users? Which metering technology is already available? Which other data from the supplier, GLTs, PLCs, building information systems etc. should be integrated? What interfaces are there?
A metering concept arises from the answers to the above questions. On the basis of many years of experience, our experts develop a tailor-made concept for each individual case in close consultation with the customer. Among other things, it determines:
- Which supply line and which physical quantity is measured with which sensor at which location
- How to connect existing systems
- Where data loggers are housed
- Where the use of a Mobile Metering Case makes sense
- How metered values are entered into the database
- Which measurements will be expanded later
- How measurements are displayed clearly in the software
A metering concept can develop further. Once the first step has been taken, it becomes much simpler.
Installation of metering technology
By the customer's technician or by deZem
deZem usually supplies hardware pre-configured for installation and immediate operation - if required also completely pre‑wired in distribution boxes.
On-site installation can be carried out by the customer's technicians or by deZem. This includes installation and cabling:
- Installation and wiring in the field
- Complete function test, plausibility check of the metered values
- Documentation of the setup
Consulting and pre-audits
Effective energy management and more
We are looking forward to supporting you in the beneficial use of the deZem system.
- Load curve analysis, evaluation of diagrams and localisation of optimisation potentials
- Integration of different user groups with their needs and preferences
- System expansion, clarification of metering requirements, consulting on sensor technology and field level
- Introduction of energy management system ISO 50001, integration into existing management systems
- Pre-audits by appointed auditor ISO 50001
Based on our extensive experience, we are also happy to support you with more general organisational and strategic questions relating to data technology scenarios, energy and environmental management.