
What customers say about deZem


"The introduction of energy controlling at the HTW Berlin has worked excellently thanks to your work. Professional, solution-oriented and based on partnership at all times. Many thanks for that!"

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin

Elegant, Efficient, Flexible

"We searched a long time and deZem was clearly the smartest, best performing and most flexible solution."

Siemens Real Estate, Berlin

Excellent tool

"The user receives an excellent tool for recording, visualising, controlling and optimising his energy and water consumption on his own responsibility, building by building and in real time."

Bau- und Liegenschafts­betrieb des LWL (Landschafts­verband West­falen-Lippe)


"The new system is working flawlessly, is being flexibly expanded and we are delighted with the pleasant collaboration."

Universität Hamburg