Facts, figures and analyses on COVID-19 up to date with just one click: We import the worldwide COVID-19 case numbers and present them in a deZemBoard [linked]. From there you can perform many interesting analyses yourself. Just call us to get the access data.
For example, the following information can be read directly for Germany (as of 26.5.20):
- the "degree of contamination" is 0.22 % (Qatar is the highest at 1.66%)
- the death rate is 4.62% (compared to 6.52% worldwide)
(It is well known that when interpreting the figures one has to take into account the limitations of statistics - testing capacities vary from country to country and nowhere are they sufficient to obtain a reliable number of actual infections).
An informative example is also the time-delayed correlation of reported new infections, recovery and deaths in the scatter plot. Accordingly, for the USA (status 26.05.2020)
- the average time between discovery of the infection and recovery is 24 days
- the average time between discovery and death 4 days
- the mortality rate, taking into account this 4-day delay, is 6,5%